As a California native, I grew up going to Disneyland every year. So I am thrilled to celebrate our daughter's birthday at Disneyland & see it through her eyes.

I wanted to do something fun to countdown until we go! After endless Disney google searches (man there are some serious devoted Disney fans!) I ran across Bayou Mickey's DISigns. The site has 20 Disney countdown calendars. We printed her favorite design, layered it with coordinating cardstock and bought a pack of Disney stickers.

She's very excited! We're going to post it on her bedroom door & every morning she gets to add a sticker until the big day!

And it gets even better! Since his passing, she's developed an eerie admiration for M.J. (or "Jackson" as she likes to call him). I was elated when I heard that Captain Eo was returning to the park!
Let the countdown begin!